Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Selective Hearing/Love Day/Candy

I figure I'd start today's post off by talking about boys and their lack of ears. Well, that's hardly fair. They physically HAVE ears, but for some reason, USING them is very hit or miss. For example, if I were to try to QUIETLY open a Snickers Bar and eat it in another room of the house with the TV blaring away at me in BOTH the livingroom and the bedroom, while the boys (and that means the kids and DH) were engrossed in whatever program is on the television (or in DS3's case, napping)... BAM!! They hear it and immediately want some of MY candy. That's right, I said MY candy. As in, not YOURS.

Lets get one thing straight. Everyone has their vices... some people have smoking, some people have that daily beer, some people gamble, and some people clean too much... I do none of those things I chew my fingernails, and I like candy. I like only certain KINDS of candy, and I don't like to share it. With anyone. Ever.

The point is, that anyone who knows me personally, knows that its a bit of a privilege if I share MY candy with them. More of an honor really.. because I buy myself "the good stuff" (Chews, Nerds, Laffy-Taffy, War Heads, BLUE Sour Keys, Sour Patch Kids, Cherry Blasters, Fuzzy Peaches, Swedish Berries, and those weird banana and strawberry flavored marshmallow-y things that have a variety of names.. just to name a few) and then I buy the "sacrificial" candy which includes small, easily found quantities of the above-named candy, plus a bit of whatever else is on sale that I don't particularly like... you have been warned.

I'm totally getting off topic here. My kids have serious selective hearing! I can whisper that I want DH to buy more Chews to re-stock my cache (don't judge me!!) and all of a sudden DS1 and DS2 come FLYING out of nowhere "Can I have some too?!" Ohhhh but how things change when I ask them to clean anything up!!

Which usually prompts me to ask a few more times, and suddenly, there is the dreaded silence, and I start to wonder...

After what feels like forever, and STILL no response, I get mad....

However, out of no where (and always mid-rant) my hero comes and diffuses the situation...

God I love him...

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